Windermere neighbors, please visit your website often for important announcements, HOA guidelines, community news, helpful tips, and recommendations.  
Community News
Next Community HOA Board Meeting:
    Tuesday February 25th, 2025 at 6:30 PM at the Pool
Annual Meeting will be held on March 4th 2025
Meeting's will be held on the Fourth Tuesday of each Month
If you need to place a work order? Call 561-763-0086
Click to submit Work Order

Hurricane Preparedness for all residents:
Dear Windermere Residents, 
Hurricane season begins June 1st and ends November 30th. You are encouraged to contact the local Emergency Preparedness Division or local Red Cross to verify the needs of your household during the event of a hurricane. It is important to remember that hurricanes and all associated weather conditions are natural disasters. 
As a reminder, if you have left or are planning on leaving the Community for the summer:
·      Be sure to take in all loose items that might fly around in heavy wind conditions, whether they are in front of the gate or behind the gate (wreaths, statutes, flags, flower pots, decorations, etc.). At the first hurricane warning, any unsecured items will be discarded to prevent damage to your unit and others. 
·      Close your shutters and all blinds to avoid shattering glass. If one unit in a building is unprotected, the entire building is unprotected and will not be eligible for mitigation. Don’t depend on others to weather-harden your unit for you. They will be busy taking care of their own things. 
·      Tell someone who will be here while you’re away how to get in touch with you. Then enjoy yourself without worrying about having to run back here to protect your property. 
Thank you for your cooperation. 
The Board of Directors
Windermere Homeowners Association, Inc. 
Lock your doors and windows
Set Alarms
Dial 911 for emergencies
Call Palm Beach Gardens Police Department: 561.799.4445 if you have information regarding recent break-ins.
POA - Important Rule
The POA Rules(Section 3.3) require garage doors to remain closed at all times except during ingress/egress and this has NOT changed.
As of July 1, 2019, security will only attempt to reach owners with open garages, and will only issue citations for open garage doors between the hours of 9:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m.

Owners are responsible to protect their own property and are still responsible to abide by the aforementioned rule requiring garage doors and could be subject to fines or other action for failure to comply.


Thank you!

HOA By-Law Change
Effective June 12, 2019
New Windermere home buyer will pay a  one-time assessment equal to one quarter of the annual association dues.  
This assessment will be collected at the closing, payable to Windermere Association, and proceeds will be deposited to our reserve account.      
Parking Reminder:  
Overnight Parking in common areas, e.g. near pool area, is prohibited for residents.  These areas are designated for use by overnight guests, if needed.

Need to Know!
Irene (Renie) Dodge, President
Heather MacLean,VP
Marcia Hanson, Treasurer
Carolyn Gallo, Secretary
John Bachety, Director 
Leonard (Len) Langino,Director
Eddie Schmidt, Director
Water Leak Alert
Seacoast Utility Authority offers a free service that will assist customers in managing their water usage. Aqua Hawk will alert customers regarding unusual water consumption that may indicate potentially costly or destructive leaks.
Monthly Board Meetings
All residents are welcome to attend Windermere HOA Board Meetings.  Meet at poolside at 6:30 pm on the fourth Tuesday of each month.
Monthly Poolside Breakfast
Come enjoy a lovely breakfast together with your neighbors. Meet at poolside at 9:00 am on the first Saturday of the month from November through April.  
Garbage & Recycling
Garbage is collected every Tuesday and Friday.  All garbage must be put into a rubbish bin with a lock top.
Recycling is collected every Tuesday. 
      Yellow bin: paper products
      Blue bin: commingled plastic, glass, aluminum... 
Waste Management's Phone Number: 1 (772) 546-7700
Solid Waste Services Website: www.pbgfl.com/219/Solid-Waste-Services
See county website for recycling detail: https://swa.org/192/Recycling-at-Home
Please identify your bins with your house number.  This will aid bin return.

Need Paint? 
If you need to do some touch-up painting around the exterior of your home, please follow the directions provided on these three links:
Windermere maintains one (1) gallon of each paint for touch-up purposes.  See Windermere maintenance man for required paint.
If resident has a large area requiring painting, it will be resident's responsibility to purchase paint.  In order for Windermere to maintain warrantee, the paint must be PPG-Porter, no substitution allowed.
Paint can be purchased at Pittsburgh Paint Store located at:  628 Northlake Blvd., North Palm Beach.  Tell salesperson that you live in Windermere PGA National and give the salesperson Windermere's identification paint number, i.e., 418-4, etc. 
Paint for your Patio Screen Frame - Lanai  (The metal structure):

Product V50-440/01 051 Color 919203000005037.

Dark Bronze Satin Finish. PPG-Porter Paint designated as “Windermere Screen Match”


Paint for your Sidewalks and Driveways :

HC Color Top, Bombay Color

Paint can be purchased at Sherwin-Williams located at: 11211 US 1, North Palm Beach 33408.  Tell Salesperson that you live in Windermere PGA National.  They have it on file under Windermere HOA - Sidewalks and Driveways.

AT & T
Need Help with Cable, Phone, Internet?  
Need to Restore your Service
Call the Bulk Center Monday-Friday: 1.866.299.6824They will also issue your Bulk TV credit.
Need Repair? 
Need to Order Service?